Project name:
A light for Tamuín
Project location:
Tamuín, San Luis Potosí
The “Una Luz para Tamuín” project was created in response to the needs of the neighboring communities around AES México’s power plants in Tamuín (TEG/TEP) to have public lighting lamps that provide safety and security, in line with our company value of Safety First.
Sharing our vision, the Tamuin City Council joined the initiative by placing lamps in roads and public places, improving the quality of life of the local people.
More than 3,000 people have been impacted by the distribution of 100 public lamps in Ejido Las Palmas and Ejido Estación Tamuín in San Luis Potosí
Tamuín County
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):
9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
17. Partnerships for the Goals