Project name:

Feline Conservation

Project location:

Tamaulipas - San Luis Potosí Interstate Biological Corridor

The Tamaulipas - San Luis Potosí Interstate Biological Corridor brings together different protected natural areas such as the El Cielo Biosphere Reserve, the Sierra de Tamaulipas Biosphere Reserve and the Sierra del Abra Tanchipa Biosphere Reserve, which represent more than 650,000ha under conservation and have the presence of species such as the Jaguar, Ocelot, Puma, Green Macaw, Yellow-headed Parrot, Elegant Eagle and Soyate Palm, among others, demonstrating a high degree of biodiversity in the region.

However, these biosphere reserves are separated by the Tamaulipeca Plain where some urban centers and highways are concentrated that partially interrupt their natural connectivity.

That is why AES partnered with Dimensión Natural to develop a series of activities to establish an interstate biological corridor that allows free transit of the species that inhabit this region. The activities include the installation of monitoring cameras to define the wildlife passages used by the 6 species of felines in the area, the definition of the landscape elements and natural vegetation of the corridor, the installation of road signs that alert the passage of felines through these routes, as well as the production of documentary material for conservation activities.


6 feline species in Mexico: Jaguar, Puma, Ocelote, Margay, Jaguarundi and Lynx


Dimensión Natural

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

15. Life on Land